- Internal Audits
- Compliance Audits
- Supplier Audits
- Integrated Audits
- Pre Certification Audits
- Gap Analysis
Organizations are taking strategic decisions to outsource their audit process for higher level of expertise, professionalism, impartiality and diplomacy needed to conduct an effective audit. This strategy also saves a lot of time and cost to hire, train, retain and retrain internal auditors. Moreover, it is noticed that some internal auditors leave the organization before the next audit cycle and take the auditing experience and investment on internal audit training with them.
The internal auditors in most of the organizations conduct only a couple of days audit in a year and it is very hard for them to retain the knowledge acquired from internal audit training till next year’s audit. On the other side, our auditors apply their knowledge, skills and experience on almost daily basis during consulting, training and auditing assignments.
The audit team of SQC have exceptional experience of conducting an effective audit and hold relevant certifications in the domain of their expertise. Our auditors have experience of first party (internal audit), second party (suppliers audit) and third party (certification) audits and this experience helps them to meet the expectations of ISO Registrars, customers and other interested parties.
Scope of Auditing Services
Internal Audits
Internal Audit is one of the mandatory requirements of management systems and an important tool of continual improvement. One of the key objectives of internal audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of the management system and identify the opportunities for improvement. Our team of certified auditors helps our customer by conducting an effective internal audit which not only saves time of their employees as well as delivers valuable results to avoid any complications during external audits.
Compliance Audits
Compliance obligations is one of the key requirements of many management systems standards e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485 and ISO 45001. Compliance obligations are the applicable requirements of legal authorities and other interested parties.
One of the key objectives of compliance audits is to evaluate the conformance against applicable compliance requirements. Our team of compliance professionals help organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing compliance obligations not only to meet the requirements of international standards but also to avoid penalties from legal authorities and interested parties due to noncompliance.
Supplier Audits
One of the key objectives of supplier audits is to evaluate the new suppliers and performance of existing suppliers to reduce the risk of receiving nonconforming products/services. Supplier or second party audit is also one of the requirements of some international standards e.g. Automotive QMS. Supplier audits are considered as inconvenience due to sparing key employees from their core activities to visit suppliers, perform audits, write audit reports and follow-up on nonconformities. In addition to this, the individual conducting the supplier audit must have a good understanding of supplier’s processes, experience of conducting supply chain audits, writing audit reports, making recommendations for improvement and understanding of the management standards which the supplier has implemented. Our auditors are competent to conduct comprehensive audits of suppliers across a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to manufacturing, engineering, construction, chemical, packaging, logistics, consulting, automotive, aerospace and IT, etc.
Integrated Audits
Our auditors have intensive experience of conducting integrated management system (IMS) audits. Most of our auditors are certified on more than one management system and can perform integrated audits in any combination of management standards e.g. Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001) and Health, Safety & Environment (ISO 45001 and ISO 14001), etc.
Pre-Certification Audits
Pre-certification audit is conducted before a certification audit by an external auditor to ensure that the organization is ready for certification. Our competent auditors with intensive experience of conducting third party audits evaluate the management system from ISO Registrar’s point of view to ensure conformance and readiness for the external audits. Pre-Certification audit helps to get the certification in first go by identifying and correcting the potential nonconformities which may arise during certification audit.
Gap Analysis
The core objective of conducting gap analysis is to identify the gap between an organization’s existing management system and the requirements of international standards. The gap analysis helps to estimate the scope, time, cost and resources required to implement ISO Standard(s). We also conduct gap analysis as a part of our consulting assignments. Our certified auditors perform this task with due diligence for development, implementation and maintenance of an effective management system.