

Management system documentation requires a higher level of competency to understand the organizational context, processes, products, services, nature of business and to reflect that understanding into management system documentation. Our consultants know the art and science to translate the organizational requirements into management system documentation.


Implementation of a new management system is a strategic decision of top management and involves a significant investment. An effective implementation of management system is a change process and need involvement of all interested parties. It becomes very challenging to implement the management system(s) when documentation is done in isolation or without consultation of interested. Our consultants are change agents and help organizations to get buy in of all interested parties for an effective implementation of their management system(s).


The philosophy of an integrated management system is to establish a single system by incorporating common elements of all management systems implemented by the organization. This is an effective way of implementing and maintaining multiple systems using minimum documented information. It is both time and cost-effective approach, as it reduces number of documents, audit days and the cost associated with each audit day. Moreover, it is easy to implement, train and maintain an integrated management system.


ISO standards are revised after every few years and organizations who have already implemented an existing standard have to go for transition within 3 years of the release of new standard. We help organizations in meeting the requirements of new standard for an effective transition.


ISO certified organizations are taking strategic decision to outsource their auditing function to get high level of expertise, professionalism, and diplomacy needed for continual improvement. It is also part of their time and cost-effective strategy as it saves lot of time and cost to hire, train, re-train and retain internal auditors. Our auditors conduct highly objective and impartial audits to add a real time value to the organization. Moreover, our certified lead auditors have experience of working with ISO Registrars and can evaluate conformance of your management system as per expectations of ISO Registrars. This helps the organizations to get ISO Registration in 1st go and avoid and maintain their certification in good standing moving forward.

Scope of Auditing Services

Internal Auditing is one of the mandatory requirements of all management systems and an important tool of continual improvement. The objective of internal auditing is to ensure effective implementation of management systems and conformance to the requirements of international standard. Our team of certified lead auditors helps organizations by conducting an effective internal audits which not only saves time of their employees but also provide valuable results to avoid any complications during external audits .

We help organizations to meet compliance obligations to avoid any complications/penalties from legal authorities or interested parties. Moreover, there is requirement of many international standards to demonstrate the compliance against applicable legal and other requirements e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000 and ISO 13485, etc. Out compliance professionals have vast experience of compliance audits.

The objective of supplier auditing is to reduce and manage the risk of supply chain disruption. Supplier audits are frequently seen as an inconvenience. This may require sparing key employees from their core duties to visit suppliers, perform audits, write audit reports and follow-up on nonconformities. In addition to this, the individual conducting audit must have understanding of required management system standards, supplier’s processes, experience of conducting supply chain audits, writing audit report and making recommendations. Our auditors are competent to conduct comprehensive audits of sub-contractors and suppliers across a wide range of disciplines including manufacturing, processing, engineering, project management, logistics, consulting, IT, automotive, aerospace and packaging, etc.

Benefits of Supplier Audits

  1. Improves confidence on products and services supplied by external providers
  2. Reduce interruptions due to nonconforming raw material, products and services
  3. Enhance customer satisfaction
  4. Identify opportunities for improvement
  5. Select new suppliers based on their competency
  6. Reduce the risk of receiving nonconforming products and services
  7. Meeting requirements of management system standards

Benefits of Outsourcing Supplier Audits:

  1. Get services of competent and experienced certified lead auditors
  2. Allow your employees to focus on their core duties
  3. Eliminate internal auditors hiring, training, re-training and retaining costs

Our auditors have intensive experience of conducting integrated management system (IMS) audits. Most of our lead auditors are certified on three different management systems and can perform integrated audits in any combination of management system standards e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, etc.

The objective of pre-certification audit is to ensure that organization is ready for ISO certification or registration. This audit is conducted before certification audit by a 3rd Party Certification Body. Our certified lead auditors have extensive experience of conducting 3rd part audits and conduct pre-certification audit to confirm readiness of our clients for registration/certification to ISO standard(s).

The benefits of preliminary audits include but not limited to:
Evaluate the conformance against requirements of implemented standard

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented standard
  2. Identify the nonconformities which may arise during iso registration/certification audit
  3. Take corrective and preventive actions to close the nonconformities
  4. Get ISO Registration/certification in first go

We help organizations to evaluate the current status of their management system against the requirements of international standard. It is also part of our consulting assignments before starting any project. Our certified lead auditors perform this task with due diligence for development, implementation and maintenance of an effective management system.

The benefits of gap analysis include but not limited to:

  1. identify the nonconformities and areas for improvement
  2. Estimate the scope of work
  3. Estimate the time and identify the resources required to complete the project
  4. Estimate the financial cost associated with the project.


The core objective of training and development activities is to bridge the gap between current and required level of employee’s performance to meet the current and future job requirements. The term training refers to acquisition of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KPAs) to perform current job whereas development refers to acquisition of KPAs to perform future job responsibilities to achieve organizational objectives. Our certified professionals help organizations to achieve the training and development objectives.